
Linux, Windows CPU Memory 사용량 계산 (Go Lang)

AndrewJ 2022. 7. 29. 13:52

Go Language로 특정 Process의 CPU, Memory 사용량을 계산하고 싶다면,

아래의 코드를 Build해서 사용하면 된다.


참고: Linux, MacOS, Unix, Windows 모두 동작하는 코드임.



// Filename: proc_usage.go

package main

import (

const (
	statTypePS   = "ps"
	statTypeProc = "proc"

// SysInfo will record cpu and memory data
type SysInfo struct {
	CPU    float64
	Memory float64

// Stat will store CPU time struct
type Stat struct {
	utime  float64
	stime  float64
	cutime float64
	cstime float64
	start  float64
	rss    float64
	uptime float64

type fn func(int) (*SysInfo, error)

var fnMap map[string]fn
var platform string
var history map[int]Stat
var historyLock sync.Mutex
var eol string

// Linux platform
var clkTck float64 = 100    // default
var pageSize float64 = 4096 // default

func init() {
	platform = runtime.GOOS
	if eol = "\n"; strings.Index(platform, "win") == 0 {
		platform = "win"
		eol = "\r\n"
	history = make(map[int]Stat)
	fnMap = make(map[string]fn)
	fnMap["darwin"] = wrapper("ps")
	fnMap["sunos"] = wrapper("ps")
	fnMap["freebsd"] = wrapper("ps")
	fnMap["openbsd"] = wrapper("proc")
	fnMap["aix"] = wrapper("ps")
	fnMap["linux"] = wrapper("proc")
	fnMap["netbsd"] = wrapper("proc")
	fnMap["win"] = wrapper("win")

	if platform == "linux" || platform == "netbsd" || platform == "openbsd" {

func initProc() {
	clkTckStdout, err := exec.Command("getconf", "CLK_TCK").Output()
	if err == nil {
		clkTck = parseFloat(formatStdOut(clkTckStdout, 0)[0])

	pageSizeStdout, err := exec.Command("getconf", "PAGESIZE").Output()
	if err == nil {
		pageSize = parseFloat(formatStdOut(pageSizeStdout, 0)[0])


func wrapper(statType string) func(pid int) (*SysInfo, error) {
	return func(pid int) (*SysInfo, error) {
		return stat(pid, statType)

func formatStdOut(stdout []byte, userfulIndex int) []string {
	infoArr := strings.Split(string(stdout), eol)[userfulIndex]
	ret := strings.Fields(infoArr)
	return ret

func parseFloat(val string) float64 {
	floatVal, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(val, 64)
	return floatVal

func statFromPS(pid int) (*SysInfo, error) {
	sysInfo := &SysInfo{}
	args := "-o pcpu,rss -p"
	if platform == "aix" {
		args = "-o pcpu,rssize -p"
	stdout, _ := exec.Command("ps", args, strconv.Itoa(pid)).Output()
	ret := formatStdOut(stdout, 1)
	if len(ret) == 0 {
		return sysInfo, errors.New("Can't find process with this PID: " + strconv.Itoa(pid))
	sysInfo.CPU = parseFloat(ret[0])
	sysInfo.Memory = parseFloat(ret[1]) * 1024
	return sysInfo, nil

func statFromProc(pid int) (*SysInfo, error) {
	sysInfo := &SysInfo{}
	uptimeFileBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join("/proc", "uptime"))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	uptime := parseFloat(strings.Split(string(uptimeFileBytes), " ")[0])

	procStatFileBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join("/proc", strconv.Itoa(pid), "stat"))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	splitAfter := strings.SplitAfter(string(procStatFileBytes), ")")

	if len(splitAfter) == 0 || len(splitAfter) == 1 {
		return sysInfo, errors.New("Can't find process with this PID: " + strconv.Itoa(pid))
	infos := strings.Split(splitAfter[1], " ")
	stat := &Stat{
		utime:  parseFloat(infos[12]),
		stime:  parseFloat(infos[13]),
		cutime: parseFloat(infos[14]),
		cstime: parseFloat(infos[15]),
		start:  parseFloat(infos[20]) / clkTck,
		rss:    parseFloat(infos[22]),
		uptime: uptime,

	_stime := 0.0
	_utime := 0.0

	defer historyLock.Unlock()

	_history := history[pid]

	if _history.stime != 0 {
		_stime = _history.stime

	if _history.utime != 0 {
		_utime = _history.utime
	total := stat.stime - _stime + stat.utime - _utime
	total = total / clkTck

	seconds := stat.start - uptime
	if _history.uptime != 0 {
		seconds = uptime - _history.uptime

	seconds = math.Abs(seconds)
	if seconds == 0 {
		seconds = 1

	history[pid] = *stat
	sysInfo.CPU = (total / seconds) * 100
	sysInfo.Memory = stat.rss * pageSize
	return sysInfo, nil

func stat(pid int, statType string) (*SysInfo, error) {
	switch statType {
	case statTypePS:
		return statFromPS(pid)
	case statTypeProc:
		return statFromProc(pid)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unsupported OS %s", runtime.GOOS)

// GetStat will return current system CPU and memory data
func GetStat(pid int) (*SysInfo, error) {
	sysInfo, err := fnMap[platform](pid)
	return sysInfo, err




// Filename: main.go

package main

import (

func main() {
    myPid, _ := strconv.Atoi(os.Args[1])

    for i:= 0; i < 100; i++ {
        sysInfo, _ := GetStat(myPid)
        fmt.Println("CPU Usage     :", sysInfo.CPU)
        fmt.Println("Mem Usage(RSS):", sysInfo.Memory)
        time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)


위와 같이 Go source code를 모두 작성했다면, 아래처럼 build하고 실행하면 된다.


$ go mod init andrew.space/proc_usage
go: creating new go.mod: module andrew.space/proc_usage
go: to add module requirements and sums:
	go mod tidy
$ go mod tidy

$ go build

$ ./proc_usage 4314
CPU Usage     : 52.92167225853122
Mem Usage(RSS): 2.018664448e+09
CPU Usage     : 39.800000000000004
Mem Usage(RSS): 2.018664448e+09
CPU Usage     : 47.30538922366738
Mem Usage(RSS): 2.018664448e+09


top 명령으로 본 것과 결과가 동일했다.