
CISCO ACI(Application Centric Infra), APIC and Kubernetes

AndrewJ 2022. 7. 19. 11:13


참고할 문서

CISCO SDN  (www.oss.kr에서 download한 pdf 문서)

위 문서에서 중요한 부분만 발췌한 내용 (아래)

Application Centric Infra (CISCO)



ACI VMM 아키텍처 - Openstack Neutron ML2





ACI & Kubernetes – The Cisco K8s CNI

CISCO ACI와 Kubernetes 조합으로 Network를 구성하고 싶다면, 아래  Documents를 참고할 것.


ACI & Kubernetes - The Cisco K8s CNI (Part One) - Haystack Networks

A look and review of the integration between Cisco ACI, Kubernetes and the Cisco K8 CNI.




Enable Consistent Application Services for Containers

Seamless developer experience intended to maintain the simplicity of Kubernetes while still enabling advanced capabilities within the Cisco ACI fabric, and maintaining application availability, security, and visibility across the infrastructure.


YouTube 영상: Kubernetes integration with CISCO ACI





ACI Networking Plugin for Kubernetes




ACI CNI Plugin (GitHub Source Code)



GitHub - noironetworks/aci-containers: Plugins for integrating ACI with container orchestration systems

Plugins for integrating ACI with container orchestration systems - GitHub - noironetworks/aci-containers: Plugins for integrating ACI with container orchestration systems





EPG, Contract, AP(Application Profile), BD(Broadcast Domain) 등 개념이 머릿속에 잘 그려지지 않아서 

이런 개념을 Use Case로 그린 Diagram만 우선 보고자 한다.


Cisco ACI Multi-Site Architecture White Paper (2021-11-23)


Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure - Cisco ACI Multi-Site Architecture White Paper

Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (Cisco ACI) as a pervasive fabric technology, enterprises and service providers commonly need to interconnect separate Cisco ACI fabrics.



Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure - White Papers

Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure - white papers



EPGs and Preferred Groups



Referencing objects across templates and across schemas


Specific strat egy to define templates inside a schema


Layer 3 intra-V RF Layer 3 communication across sites



Intra-VRF Layer 3 communication across sites stretching an EPG


Layer 3 inter-VRF communication across sites


Inter-VRF communication across sites (shared services)


Interconnecting Cisco ACI fabrics for Layer 3 communication via L3Outs


Initial state: layer 3 intersite communication using the L3Out path


Issue when mixing VXLAN and L3Out traffic paths



Use cases for integrating Cisco ACI Multi-Pod and Cisco ACI Multi-Site


Single network infrastructure offering both IPN and ISN connectivity


Hierarchical MP -BGP EVPN peering


Multi-Site and traditional L3Out connections on border leaf nodes


Use of a stretched external EPG (Ext-EPG)



Multi-Site and traditional L3Out connections with a stretched bridge domain


Cisco ACI EPG-based network model



An example of stretched application between on-premises Cisco ACI and cloud sites



An example of stretched EPGs across sites


An example of intersite shared services



An example of Cloud L3Out


An example of On-Premises L3Out for cloud endpoints



On-premises service chaining for a stretched application tier





Cisco ACI policy model (Tenant, VRF, BD, EPG, EndPoint, Taboo, Contracts, Pod, Path, Node)